Week 5
1. Critique depth of field assignment (choice shooting assignment)
2. How to share images
3. Photojournalism
Who was able to modify depth of field to your creative will?
Who attempted it?
What assignment did you choose?
· Assignment
How to share images?
Print: home printer
or photo processor
· Attach
· Insert
Blog (Login and do)
Web site
Flickr is an image hosting and video hosting website, and online community
Cell phone-iPod send or show
YouSendIt is a Web-based secure digital file delivery company
Optimize images? How?
LARGE (lg)
The "full-width" photo size is 1024 pixels wide (no fixed height) and is most commonly used in the center well.
This is all the space allowed in the template in the minimum 800x600 view.
The "half-width" image is 800 pixels wide (no fixed height) and is most commonly used in the center Content Well.
SMALL or email size
This image width is used primarily in the pre-formatted "feature" Content Well element, at 640 pixels wide (no fixed height).
How to deal with your good images that you want to share?
Filing system!
In marked folders on your Desktop=for current work
How to get published! Begin by resume building (this is how you are paid, by getting you NAME in print) submit images to newspapers, online, “weather watchers”, FCCC, etc. most places are starving for good images
The image required 800 exposures taken over the course of 400 Hubble orbits around Earth. The total amount of exposure time was 11.3 days, taken between Sept. 24, 2003 and Jan. 16, 2004. It is the deepest image of the universe ever taken,[1] looking back approximately 13 billion years (between 400 and 800 million years after the Big Bang), and it will be used to search for galaxies that existed at that time. The image contains an estimated 10,000 galaxies.
- Journalism that presents a story primarily through the use of pictures
- Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy.
- An article about photojournalism in U.S. News & World Reports described the photojournalist as “a witness, an adventurer, and an interpreter of history.” I have often heard it said, in a more poetic manner, that a photojournalist is a “writer with light.”
Life magazine photographer Flip Schulke watched a group shove children to the ground in Selma. "He stopped shooting photographs and began pushing the men away. King heard about the incident and reminded Schulke about his "duty as a photographer."
"The world doesn't know this happened, because you didn't photograph it," King later told Schulke. "I'm not being cold-blooded about it, but it is so much more important for you to take a picture of us getting beaten up then for you to be another person joining the fray."
–From "Race Beat," by Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff
"The world doesn't know this happened, because you didn't photograph it," King later told Schulke. "I'm not being cold-blooded about it, but it is so much more important for you to take a picture of us getting beaten up then for you to be another person joining the fray."
–From "Race Beat," by Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff
Never Do This
There’s 3 things that you just don’t do as a photojournalist. If you only remember 3 things from this article, let it be this.
- Don’t add or remove anything in the photo (fabrication). Neither by re-arranging things in front of the camera nor by changing a photo in post-processing.
- Don’t stage or re-enact news events such as directing the subjects of a photo. Exceptions are portraits and product photos, but caption must not mislead the viewer into believing these photos are spontaneous.
- Don’t use excessive color manipulation, lightening, darkening or blurring of the image in post processing.
Good Practice
Instead, there is a set of long-standing good practices that photojournalists should strive to meet. In short, be truthful and respectful! But if you want more detail, these are some of the points that the mentioned sources emphasize:
- Caption only what you have witnessed. Exact, to the point, without speculations. Double-check all your facts when writing the who, when, where, what and why.
- The presence of the media can often influence how subjects behave. When the behavior shown is the result of the medias presence, captions must make that clear.
- Seek a diversity of viewpoints and work to show unpopular or unnoticed points of view.
- Treat all subjects with respect and dignity. Give special consideration to vulnerable subjects and compassion to victims of crime or tragedy.
- Avoid stereotyping individuals and groups.
- Recognize and work to avoid presenting your own biases in the work.
- Intrude on private moments of grief only when the public has an overriding and justifiable need to see.
- Do not pay sources or subjects or reward them materially for information or participation.
- Do not accept gifts, favors or compensation from those who might seek to influence your coverage.
- Do not intentionally sabotage the efforts of other photojournalists.
Taken from: http://www.articlesbase.com/visual-art-articles/photojournalism-good-practice-guidelines-1039730.html
How to write a photo caption Bob Gray
Writing Photo Captions By Bob Gray Original Irregular
Writing Photo Captions
By Bob Gray Original Irregular newspaper
In this order
1. Describe the action (use present tense)
2. Include who and from where
3. Doing what?
4. Where the action took place
5. When it took place
6. Other information can finish up the caption.
7. Include photographer.
8. Writing a headline/title is optional (if not included, one will be added if the photo is a stand-alone).
If the caption contains a group of people, identify them front to back, left to right.
Doe chases bear
Jane Doe, of Hogshollar, chases a bear away from a pig roast on the backside of Bigelow Mountain June 4. The pig roast was held in celebration of the new trailer park being built in the shadow of Bigelow next summer. (Ansel Adams photo)
If the caption goes with a story you’ve written, place it (or them) at the beginning of the story. Do not forget to include photo credit; if none is included, it will be assumed it is you. (Sometimes photos are loaned for stories. It’s important to credit the photo source if not the photographer: “Photo courtesy DRAHS.”) If you do not want to identify the photographer, use: "Contributed photo." Photos that accompany stories do not require headlines.
Assignment 1: Photojournalism look for ‘newsworthy’ situations during the next week and shoot with the intent of a photojournalist. Bring in one image with an accompanying caption. Use Bob Gray’s tips for writing a photo captions on the right hand side of links on the blog.
Assignment 2: Go through your digital images and bring in 2-3 of your favorites to share with the class. These can be your favorites for any reason, subject, compositional qualities, colors, etc.
Please contact me if you have questions. Use my cell 491-2713 and we can talk even if I am boiling sap.