Sunday, February 21, 2010

Light Drawing...long exposures, a light source and movement

We had a 3 hour power outage tonight at our house. I set up the tri-pod and we all experimented with light drawing with flashlights and light sticks. The kids had made light sabers from rolled paper with a flash light in one end. Most exposures were 20-30 seconds at F-16 and f-8.




  1. Those are awesome. The second one is a little different. Looks like shadow people dancing around in your kitchen. Some looked like shots from a movie lots of action and movement! 4 and 5 I think are my favorite. They both tell stories to me. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Will have to try that some time witht the grand kids they will have fun but wont wait for the power to go out again.
    Thanks love the pictures


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